Monday, May 2, 2011

Confessions of an Elf


I would have really preferred writing on some subject, any subject, other than the “Birther” conspiracy issue… but despite the idiocy of the subject and all the other troubles our country is facing, it still won’t go away. Even after President Obama presented his long form birth certificate it is still in the news.

I seldom use terms like idiotic to describe an opposing viewpoint, as it is rather disrespectful and name calling is a tactic usually employed by those lacking facts to back up their opinions. But in this case I really can’t think of a more fitting word to describe it.

This is one of the stories I had pretty much followed just by scanning the headlines. It had the scent of one of the attack tactics the right wing has become known for and I was pretty sure they were severely distorting some trivial fact to arrive at their opinion. Once I chose it as a topic though I decided to go ahead and find out exactly what they were basing their claim on.

I examined the Constitutional requirements for presidential citizenship “ Qualifications to be President”, the legal history of the definition of a natural born citizen “ Natural Born Citizen”, looked up the birthers claims and steps that had been taken to counter them. “ Conspiracy Theories”

Low and behold, I couldn’t find anything. Nothing. Not a single fact or document pointed to anything credible at all, even if twisted.

I also find it unbelievable that an aspiring candidate like Trump would even dare take this up as a cause. It might have endeared him to the few extremists at the fringe, but for me it really brings into question not only his intelligence but his ability to lead responsibly.

My conclusion is that Obama has a valid Birth Certificate proving he is a natural born US citizen, the same “short form” document that I have used my entire life to prove my citizenship and identity. Granted, my certificate has never come under the scrutiny his has. Looking mine over, I see the postmark from Olean, NY used in 1966… containing the words “Queen City of the Enchanted Mountains”.

O.k…. I’m an Elf, I admit it.


Additional Links:
Birthers attempt to manipulate Obama's mother:
“ Phone Recording”

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the stand the blogger took, that the whole situation is pretty ridiculous and "idiotic" to question our president's birth place. I feel he could of gave more details. For example, What were the headlines that he scanned? Who was his birth certificate being questioned by? How did this person go about questioning? How and why did Obama finally reveal his birth certificate? The answer to these questions will display just how dumb the whole situation is. Had he told us it was Donald Trump heading the mission to discredit the birth certificate, and who Donald Trump is, and how he gave countless TV interviews publicly doubting the president's citizenship. All these answers would have painted a better picture of what has been going on. He could have also told his reader Obama not only released his birth certificate but he made a live statement to the country, “We’re not going to solve our problems if we get distracted by carnival barkers and sideshows,” said Obama, “We do not have time for this kind of silliness, we’ve got big stuff to do, I’ve got big stuff to do,” he also stated. Including Obama's words would have displayed for us the readers how awesome Obama is and how he ended the "silliness."

    I liked how the blogger put links but I don't have time to read them, a quick summary of what the links taught him would have been nice as well. Here are some of the theories, these are the qualifications to be president..etc. It was pretty cool how he had his own envelope from his birth certificate on the blog, it connects the blog on a personal . I enjoyed the blog all around but would have left it with more knowledge of the issue had he included a more information to the events that caused and ended the debate.
