Friday, February 11, 2011

Caught in the Middle: The Environment
As an Environmental Science student and having followed the issues from a personal interest perspective for much longer, it really concerns me that business interests and the Republican Party are trying to roll back environmental protections.  When many of our environmental laws were passed, our waterways were full of sewage and industrial wastes.  Some rivers actually caught on fire, literally.  Scores of people were dying from illnesses caused by air and water pollution.  Today we have cleaner waterways and air because politicians headed the call of scientists to take action.
Now we have politicians that either ignore science based on false religious pretenses or due to their belief that business should be able to do as they please regardless of the damage to our planet and shouldn’t have to pay for their pollution and destruction of our natural resources.
Global warming is for the most part universally accepted by most scientists and governments except for those that are funded by special interests or that allow their ideologies to interfere with their neutral interpretation of the data.  As a parent I am concerned for the future of not only my children but also for successive generations as well.  At the point when we need government to step up to the plate the most, it is gut wrenching to see such an important issue being used as a political pawn.

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